Buy DigixDAO DGD with iDEAL

Buy DigixDAO with Credit Card

Buy DigixDAO DGD with a Credit Card

Do you want to buy DigixDAO (DGD)? We have the best brokers and exchanges where you can buy DigixDAO (DGD) with a Credit/Debit Card. Pay with your Visa or Master card.

Buy DigixDAO with a Creditcard via BTC Direct on Bitladon

It is possible to buy DigixDAO indirectly with a credit card on Bitladon. Follow the steps below and you will have your DigixDAO within a few minutes. Before we start: create an account on BTC Direct and Bitladon.
  1. Go to Bitladon and click on My Account and click there on wallet.
  2. Scroll down and below the "Echange button" click on "Hide the coins I don't own".
  3. You will see a list with all the coins you can buy there.
  4. Search for Bitcoin and click on deposit.
  5. Copy your Bitcoin wallet address.
  6. Go back to BTC Direct and click in the top menu on Buy/Sell.
  7. Buy Bitcoins, fill in the form and paste your Bitladen Bitcoin walles address where they ask you for your Bitcoin adress.
  8. Click on Buy Bitcoins and finish your order.
  9. They will send the bitcoins to your Bitladon account where you can exchange your Bitcoin for DigixDAO.
Note: Is this the first time you use your credit card? Then the card must be verified in a video call. We are available on weekdays between 09:00 and 22:00, and during weekends between 12:00 and 17:00. Click on the blue button to start a video call.